The symbol of Izmir...

Like Izmir, which harbors many cultures in harmony; the kingfisher that carries the colors of the journeys it has taken in harmony...

Adventurer, explorer, master of the seas...

The Kingfisher who can command the waves and calm the winds...

The companion of sailors who returns home to the Aegean wherever and however far he goes...

Since the day it was founded, Asmira Marine has been guided by the kingfisher and has been brave enough to defy the sea and the wind if necessary to do what is good and right. It has reached its present multi-colored structure by gaining something from every place it has been and every adventure it has embarked on; it has aimed to develop and strengthen wherever and in every sector by bringing prosperity wherever it goes. Just as the sea is clean and clear where the kingfisher is, wherever Asmira Marine has been, there has been a developed sector, relationships based on mutual trust and stakeholders who have learned and strengthened together. From now on, Asmira will continue to take a breath of Izmir wherever it goes and continue on the path of the kingfisher.

Asmira Marine Hizmetlerimiz

Charter Services

With a sense of responsibility for developing marine tourism by introducing more people to our country's unique bays, Asmira Marine meets the needs and demands of its customers with a fleet of boats of different sizes and equipment.