Türkiye's Safe Tourism Certificate: Why is it a Reliable Choice for Your Yacht Vacation?

4. ožujka 2024.

Türkiye has launched the Safe Tourism Certificate initiative, under the name of the Safe Tourism Project, to revive the tourism sector greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This certificate, along with the criteria that must be met to obtain it, has been established to ensure the safest, most hygienic, and healthy holiday experience. These criteria have been set and proven through inspections to provide a secure environment. In this article, we will discuss Türkiye's Safe Tourism Certificate program initiated to ensure the health and safety of holidaymakers and workers in the tourism sector.

What is the Safe Tourism Certificate?

The Safe Tourism Certificate is a document issued to facilities and businesses since 2020 with the aim of managing the impacts of epidemic diseases such as COVID-19 on the travel and tourism industry and ensuring a safe travel experience. This certificate verifies that health and hygiene protocols, determined in accordance with international standards, are being implemented.

How to Obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate?

Obtaining the Safe Tourism Certificate is an important step for businesses operating in the travel and tourism industry. The steps and requirements to obtain this certificate are determined according to the standards set by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye. In order for businesses to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate, they must meet these conditions and successfully pass inspections conducted by authorized organizations appointed by the ministry.

What are the Steps to Obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate?

There is a specific process that businesses wishing to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate must follow. The steps outlined on the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye must be followed, and the relevant forms must be completed. Generally, the process proceeds as follows:

  1. Determination of Standards and Preparation: Businesses wishing to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate carefully review the requirements and criteria they must meet before beginning the process. These requirements typically include hygiene, cleanliness, health, staff training, and crisis management. Businesses must ensure compliance with these criteria before proceeding to the next step.

  2. Application and Selection of Certification Body: The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye website provides a list of organizations authorized by the ministry. When completing the application process, businesses should follow the specific application procedure outlined by the chosen organization.

  3. Certification Process: The business submits the necessary documents to the authorized organization by applying. These documents include detailed documentation on topics such as health, hygiene, staff training, etc., as well as crisis management plans. The authorized organization reviews these documents and may conduct on-site inspections.

  4. Audit and Evaluation: During the audit phase, the authorized organization verifies whether the standards declared in the documents are met. The findings of the audit are compiled and reported.

  5. Issuance of the Certificate: If the business meets the standards determined by the authorized organization, it becomes eligible to receive the Safe Tourism Certificate. This certificate confirms the compliance of the business with health and hygiene standards and provides assurance to travelers that they will have a safe experience.

Obtaining the Safe Tourism Certificate is a process for travel and tourism businesses that instills confidence in customers and ensures compliance with international standards. Businesses should prepare accordingly to meet the standards set by the certification body and follow the necessary steps to successfully complete the process.

What Are the Criteria for Obtaining the Safe Tourism Certificate?

There are criteria established for different types of facilities and vehicles, such as Food and Beverage Facility Criteria, Accommodation Facility Criteria, Tour and Transfer Vehicle Criteria, and Sea Tourism Facility Criteria. Businesses seeking to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate must review and fulfill the criteria specific to their industry. For example, some of the specifically identified criteria for Sea Tourism Facilities/Vehicles include:

  • After being used by yacht owners, are these areas periodically cleaned, maintained, and kept hygienic by relevant cleaning staff?

  • If there is repeated use of keys or cards in the key/card system provided to yacht owners for storage, are they cleaned and hygienically maintained?

  • Do employees in workshops located within the facility, such as paint, engine, wood, and lathe workshops, use personal protective equipment?

These criteria specifically relate to areas such as marine vessels, yacht docking areas, and yacht storage facilities. In addition to these, the criteria generally include topics such as whether procedural trainings are provided, whether alcohol-based disinfectants are available in sufficient quantities and appropriate areas, and the frequency of cleaning and disinfection procedures.

Is it Mandatory to Obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate for Sea Tourism Facilities?

While different conditions apply for the mandatory acquisition of the Safe Tourism Certificate in various sectors, as of July 28, 2021, it has become mandatory for sea tourism facilities to obtain the Safe Tourism Certificate within 3 years. While certification is not mandatory for facilities and businesses outside of sea tourism facilities subject to this requirement, obtaining the certificate is important for businesses to gain a competitive advantage and enhance their reputation.

What are the Advantages of Obtaining the Safe Tourism Certificate for Businesses?

There are several significant advantages to obtaining the Safe Tourism Certificate for businesses. These advantages enable businesses to instill confidence in customers, gain a competitive edge, and be better prepared during times of crisis:

  • Trust and Reputation: The Safe Tourism Certificate verifies the compliance of a business with health and hygiene standards. Businesses holding this certificate instill confidence in customers and demonstrate their prioritization of health and safety for travelers. This enhances customer trust in the business and strengthens its reputation.

  • Competitive Advantage: The Safe Tourism Certificate provides businesses with a competitive edge. Businesses with the certificate emphasize that they offer a safer travel experience and comply with international standards compared to others. This can influence the preferences of potential customers and make the business more competitive in the market.

  • Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Safe Tourism Certificate increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers will want to know that the business they are traveling with adheres to health and safety standards. Therefore, businesses with the certificate will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by gaining repeat customers.

  • Crisis Management and Preparedness: The Safe Tourism Certificate enables businesses to be better prepared during times of crisis. In crisis situations such as epidemics like COVID-19 or natural disasters, businesses with the certificate can intervene more quickly and effectively because they have predefined health and safety protocols. This makes the business stronger and more resilient during crises.

Why Should You Choose Businesses with the Safe Tourism Certificate?

Tourists and vacationers who want to go on a yacht holiday should consider many criteria when planning their vacations. One of these criteria should be selecting facilities with the Safe Tourism Certificate. This is because facilities with the Safe Tourism Certificate offer several advantages for vacationers:

Facilities that meet the criteria for the Safe Tourism Certificate implement protocols necessary to adhere to specific health and hygiene standards. These standards include cleanliness and disinfection procedures, social distancing measures, staff training, and crisis management. When vacationers know that the facility they are traveling to adheres to health and hygiene standards, they can enjoy their vacations with peace of mind, which positively affects their holiday experiences.

During crises, facilities with the certificate implement predefined health and safety protocols, allowing them to intervene more effectively. At the same time, in any crisis situation, these facilities not only implement crisis management procedures but also provide appropriate information and guidance to their guests, ensuring a safer environment.

Knowing that they are holidaying in a healthy, hygienic, and safe environment in every aspect, vacationers will embark on their yacht holidays with inner peace. Vacationers who enjoy their time more and savor the experience of yacht holidays in a safe and healthy environment will be more satisfied with their experience.

Asmira Marine has been providing a safe and healthy experience for those who want to take a yacht holiday with its long-standing charter service. While providing the familiar Asmira service with its young and safe fleet, it strictly adheres to cleanliness, hygiene, and safety procedures. Asmira Marine, which takes necessary precautions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in a timely manner and adjusts its services appropriately by closely following technological developments, adds a new dimension to the yacht holiday experience. For detailed information, you can visit our website: https://asmiramarine.com/ 

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Asmira Marine, uz odgovornost za razvoj morskog turizma i predstavljanje jedinstvenih zaljeva svoje zemlje što većem broju ljudi, zadovoljava potrebe i zahtjeve svojih klijenata svojom flotom brodova različitih dimenzija i opremljenosti.