Route 7

Göcek - Göcek

Göcek, with its natural bay and safe harbors for your boat, is the starting point for the Blue Cruise, which is a popular holiday destination, especially during the summer months. The sailing races held in November and May also increase the popularity of the bay, which is frequently preferred due to its proximity to natural and historical beauties such as Dalyan and Ölüdeniz, which are like paradise corners. You will make a great start to your holiday from Göcek.

Route 7
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Route 7

Day 1 Check In: Göcek – Sarsala

Sarsala Cove offers a safe haven to anchor and relax in the sun, or swim in the sea, with its long beach and the option to anchor at a depth of 10-12 meters. Experience the extraordinary merging of blue and green, and the scent of the sea mixing with pine trees. The cove offers a range of different restaurants to experience different flavors, as well as rental sun loungers and a beach volleyball court. Sarsala Cove is only 16 km away from Dalaman. If you want to visit Dalaman while anchored at Sarsala Cove, you can easily access it with commercial taxis on the beachfront.

Day 2: Sarsala – Bedri Rahmi

After Sarsala, you will reach Bedri Rahmi Bay, whose original name is Taşyaka. This bay was named after the famous painter Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu who visited the bay in 1974 and left his famous fish-shaped artwork here.

Here, you can anchor at the depth between 10-15 meters or tie up to the restaurant with a capacity of 35 boats. You can take a tasty break at the restaurant on the dock, which also has electricity and water connections. However, there is one thing you need to be careful about when entering the bay: the depth of the bay suddenly decreases as you approach the shore. Therefore, we recommend that you keep this factor in mind when maneuvering and docking.

Day 3: Bedri Rahmi – Hamam

Centuries ago, a city king living on the hills had a bath built, and the ruins of this bath provide a visual feast at the bottom of Hamam Bay. This bay, with a deep eastern coast, is one of the stops for day trip boats departing from Fethiye and Göcek and is quite crowded during daytime hours. If you want to stay here, the most suitable area for anchoring is the west coast; however, especially in the summer months, we recommend entering the bay outside of 10:30 am-4:30 pm to get away from the crowds. Also, if you have come this far and want to experience the city king's view, you can climb to the top among the pine and olive trees. The hill overlooking Gökgemile Harbor and the open sea promises a spectacular view, especially at sunset.

Day 4: Hamam- Kapı Creek (Göbün)

Göbün Koyu is the most sheltered and weatherproof cove among the coves in Göcek, and it is a popular winter accommodation spot for many yacht owners. This cove is suitable for visits all year round, and it offers a peaceful and tranquil environment during the off-season. There are 40 berths connected by vaults on both sides of the entrance, in front of the restaurant and on the jetty side. If you want to moor on the restaurant side, we recommend being careful since the water swiftly transition into shallower depths.

Day 5: Kapı Creek – Tersane

It is said that Tersane Bay, which is shallower towards the southwest and east, takes its name from the historical shipyard ruins located on the shore. On the beach, there is a small restaurant and facilities among the palm trees, and the shallow area of the bay starts in the middle of the cove and ends at the ruins in the east. The cove, which has a 15-boat capacity dock with vaults in front of the restaurant, is a stopover for day trip boats, especially between 10:30 am and 4:00 pm. We recommend entering the cove outside of these hours if you want to avoid the crowd.

Day 6: Tersane – Domuz Adası – Yassıcalar

Yassıca Islands is the general name of a region consisting of many small and large islands offering deep and shallow water options. There are many accommodation options here, and it offers a magical atmosphere with its unique beauties both day and night.

Day 7 : Yassıcalar – Göcek Adası - Göcek Check Out

On the northern coast, where the depth reaches 25 meters, there are anchorage spots along the shoreline. The southern coast of the bay is a special location that is beautiful at any time of the day. When you enter here, you will be close to Göcek for supplies. Also, if you stay overnight, you can listen to the lullaby that will lead you to a peaceful sleep with the smell of the sea and watch the dancing lights of Göcek town. We look forward to meeting you again at our Göcek location to hear about your adventures.

Wishing to be together in new adventures…

See you on new routes.

At Asmira Marine, we are here to turn your dream of a perfect yacht holiday into a reality.

We provide you with a complete and comfortable holiday experience, offering additional services such as food and beverage packages that you can purchase, as well as equipment that you can rent, in addition to the yacht you will be chartering.

Chartering a yacht has never been this comfortable before! You can easily inquire about your desired dates and choose the yacht that suits your preferences. After selecting your yacht, you can contact our customer representatives who are available 24/7 to determine your equipment and food and beverage package. While you prepare for an amazing holiday, our expert team will be preparing your yacht according to your choices.

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