Route 6

Göcek - Batı - Göcek

Göcek offers a magnificent start to your boat vacation. Especially during the summer months when there is a high volume of vacationers, Göcek is the starting point of the Blue Cruise and is a safe haven for boats with its rich accommodation options, natural bay area, and coves. After dropping anchor in Göcek, you can easily reach popular holiday destinations such as Sarıgerme, Dalyan, and Ölüdeniz and enrich your unique boat adventure.

Route 6
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Route 6

Day 1 Check In: Göcek – Sarsala

You can anchor in Sarsala Bay at 10-12 meters depth or moor at the quay in front of it, which promises safe anchorage. In this bay where the vast sea meets with pine trees, there are restaurants where you can taste different flavors, rent sun beds, and use beach volleyball court for exercise opportunities. The bay is only 16 km away from Dalaman, and you can take a small adventure by taking a commercial taxi from the bay's coastline to Dalaman or stay in the bay and enjoy the sun and the sea.

Day 2: Sarsala – Ağa Limanı

Ağa Limanı, which also serves as a waiting harbor for boats before Kurdoğlu Cape, adds a unique atmosphere to its natural beauty with historical remains from Byzantine and Roman civilizations. If you decide to anchor in Ağa Limanı, the safest place is the sandy area next to the large bay. Although the eastern part of the harbor is quite deep, you should be careful as there are rocks where your anchor can get stuck. It is more advantageous to anchor in front of the beach due to the winds coming from the top.

Since Ağa Limanı is generally a crowded bay, we recommend that you position your boat considering the boats that may come after you and leave a long anchor line.

Day 3: Ağa Limanı – Sarıgerme ( Baba Ada ) – Aşı Koyu

Sarıgerme is a small island located 1 mile east of Kara Burun and has a lighthouse. In the western part of the island, there are ruins of a castle with olive trees in a scrubland; and a cave on the south side that runs through the island from one end to the other. Like other bays in the area, the seabed in Sarıgerme is sandy, and the small bay in the northern part is suitable for anchoring at 6-8 meters. This bay is the most sheltered area on the island but may be windy. We do not recommend anchoring in front of the island because it is usually windy and not suitable for anchoring safely. In the crowded bay at night, you can enjoy the scenery in the shade of olive trees, relax in the clear and cool waters of the sea, and feel the soothing warmth of the sun.

Day 4-5: Aşı Koyu – Dalyan – Ekincik

There are anchorage and berthing areas available in Ekincik Harbor, located amidst the pine tree covered high mountains, in the middle of a 900-meter beach at north of Köyceğiz Harbor. If you are planning to enter Ekincik, we recommend adding a small Dalyan adventure to your route. Here, you can join the pedestrian tours of Dalyan and discover this unique corner of the world during a 3.5-hour tour. If you want to join the tour, you can contact the pedestrian boats via VHF channel 06-16.

It is possible to anchor at almost any point in Ekincik Harbor, where many boats stay anchored in front of the shore. However, the safest berthing spot is the sheltered area that corresponds to the north of the quay front on the coast. This place is sheltered from the winds and has a seabed of noodle sand mixed with the soil, allowing anchorage at a depth of 5-10 meters.

Day 5: Ekincik - Dalyan

By joining a river tour in this hidden cove between Dalyan and Marmaris, you will witness one of the most enchanting views in the world through the reeds. Along the channel, you can see unique beauties and natural features that resemble a paradise corner, and you can join an unforgettable adventure.

Day 6: Ekincik - Yassıcalar

Yassıca Islands, which are beautiful during the day and at night, are the general name for the islands and islets in the region that offer various options of deep and shallow waters. While there are many anchoring options here, you can take advantage of the different opportunities and unique beauties offered by each island and islet.

Day 7 : Yassıcalar - Göcek Check Out

At the end of this wonderful holiday full of little adventures, you will reach your starting point, Göcek. Thus, in Göcek, which is happy to host you again with its magnificent nature, you can relieve the sweet tiredness brought by the vacation and enjoy the sea and sun for one last time before returning to city life. We will also be eagerly waiting for you at our Göcek location.

We hope to see you on your next vacation where you will discover the paradise corners bestowed upon our country by nature...

See you on new routes.

At Asmira Marine, we are here to turn your dream of a perfect yacht holiday into a reality.

We provide you with a complete and comfortable holiday experience, offering additional services such as food and beverage packages that you can purchase, as well as equipment that you can rent, in addition to the yacht you will be chartering.

Chartering a yacht has never been this comfortable before! You can easily inquire about your desired dates and choose the yacht that suits your preferences. After selecting your yacht, you can contact our customer representatives who are available 24/7 to determine your equipment and food and beverage package. While you prepare for an amazing holiday, our expert team will be preparing your yacht according to your choices.

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